We are available nights’, weekends and holidays to ensure you have access to quality veterinary care at even unconventional hours. If you think your pet might need medical care, please call so we can be prepared for your arrival, or bring your pet directly in. Be advised that The Animal Emergency Center of Las Vegas & Henderson cannot give medical advice over the phone or determine if your pet can wait to see your Veterinarian during business hours without first examining your pet.
Every home with pets needs a first-aid kit just for animals, and we encourage all of our clients to make one for emergencies.
The basic items that must be included in a first aid kit are:
Adhesive tape
Antihistamines (such a Benadryl)
Antiseptic (such a Betadine)
Commonly due to insect bites, contact allergies or vaccinations. Mild signs include facial swelling, hives and itchy skin. If your pet is otherwise healthy and not vomiting, you may give Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) by mouth at a dose of 1 mg per pound of body weight. If this does not relieve the symptoms, or your pet is experiencing severe symptoms, please bring your pet in for an examination immediately. Severe symptoms include moderate to severe facial swelling, difficulty breathing, vomiting and/or diarrhea, weakness or collapse.
It is difficult to assess if labor is progressing normally or not when the number of fetuses is unknown, but here are some signs that there could be a problem:
If there are active labor contractions for >30-60 minutes and no fetus is produced
If there is a sac visible for >15 minutes and no fetus is produced
If there is a fetus visibly stuck in the birth canal
If there are greater than 3-4 hours between deliveries
If there is excessive vaginal bleeding or discharge
If mom is having tremors or seizures
If your pet has not had a prenatal x-ray taken by your Veterinarian to count how many babies are present, that will likely be the first step needed to determine if there are birthing complications.
Note: It is normal for puppies and kittens to be born breech. They can come out head-first or feet-first. There should be one placenta following each fetus. It is normal for mom to chew off the placenta and eat the afterbirth. Be sure to keep mom and babies warm, and ensure that mom is lying still so that the babies can latch on and nurse. Mom will probably be hungry and thirsty and should be offered puppy/kitten food during pregnancy and lactation. If all is well in the meantime, see your veterinarian with mom and babies for a checkup on the third day after whelping.
Baking chocolate and dark chocolate are generally more toxic than milk or semisweet, but even small amounts of chocolate can be toxic in pets that are very sensitive to it or that have other health problems. As little as 1/2 oz in a 5-pound pet can be toxic. Sometimes, even the wrappers are ingested which can lead to an intestinal blockage. Please call for advice or bring your pet in for an examination if it has eaten chocolate.
Extremely toxic to all companion pets at even very small doses. If you suspect your pet could have ingested antifreeze, please bring your pet in immediately. Symptoms can include acting drunk, seizures, vomiting, and frequent urination. The prognosis is worse if you delay treatment until they are showing symptoms. There is a blood test for antifreeze and an antidote we can give in some cases.
There are three common types of rodenticides, and all are toxic to pets even in small amounts. It is very important to bring your pet in for treatment as soon as possible even though symptoms may not develop for up to seven days. Bring the packaging of the bait with you if possible, or at least try to find out the active ingredient to help our Veterinarian treat your pet most effectively.
Our pets are not supposed to consume the sugar substitute xylitol that is found in many sugar free candy and chewing gum. If you know your pet has consumed xylitol or a product that may contain xylitol contact a veterinarian immediately. You can visit this resource for information about signs and symptoms of poisoning.
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is toxic to companion pets, but especially cats, and should never be given to your pet. Bring your pet in immediately if it has ingested Tylenol. Other Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil), naproxen (Aleve) and Carprofen (Remedy) can be very toxic if large doses are ingested. Immediate veterinary attention is needed to prevent serious consequences of an overdose. Never give your pet aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen unless explicitly directed by your Veterinarian! For most other toxicities, it is a good idea to call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center for information. Minor credit card charges will apply, but the information they can give you is well worth the cost and more specific than what you can obtain by Human Poison Control. It could save your pet’s life! 1-888-426-4435
There are numerous causes for seizures. If your pet has had a seizure, please bring your pet in immediately. This is especially an emergency if your pet has been seizing for >2-5 minutes, or has had >2 seizures in a 24-hour period.
There are several species of venomous snakes that are found in North Texas. Symptoms of a bite can include pain and reluctance to bear weight on an affected limb, moderate to severe swelling, one-sided facial swelling, bruising around the bite, vomiting, weakness and collapse. Bring your pet in immediately if you saw the bite occur or if you suspect your pet could have been bitten.
This is an especially common problem with male cats, but it can occur in both male and female dogs and cats. Male cats may yowl or cry loudly while trying to urinate. As the symptoms progress, they may also become lethargic and unwilling to move, seek out a hiding place, start vomiting, or become unresponsive. If your pet is straining to urinate and seems unable to produce a normal urine stream, or if is making frequent trips to the litter box without producing more than a few drops of urine, it needs to be evaluated by a Veterinarian immediately.
There are numerous causes for vomiting and/or diarrhea that range from serious to minor. It is impossible for us to determine over the phone if your pet requires an examination for this immediately or if you can wait to see your Veterinarian during regular business hours. If your pet is vomiting, remove all food and water. Do not give any food, water or medications by mouth unless instructed by your Veterinarian. It is best to bring your pet in for an examination as pets can dehydrate quickly.